Sunday, March 4, 2012

Am I allowed to disobey my parents in a certain islamic way?

My mother hates it that I answer on Yahoo answers. She says that I don't have much knowledge to give the others but I do, I answer what is in MY knowledge but I don't invent anyting. She got me off the computer so im using Yahoo by my 3DS. Is this halal [permitted] because its an islamic action? Please answer only if you have knowledge, JazakAllah :) 鈽嗏槄鈽嗏槄Am I allowed to disobey my parents in a certain islamic way?
hahahaha that's my mom says 2 me sometimes wen she sees me on the computer!!! I don't think its haram lol
Assalamu alaykum Really you are allowed to disobey your parents in certain Islamic way such as your mother does not permit you to wear hijab or she does not allow you to answer the question on Yahoo answer although you have the knowledge about it. Wearing hijab is mandatory based on surah 33 Al Ahzab verse 59 while giving da'wah is recommended by Muhammad pbuh although it is only one verse.You must explain about it to your mother so insya allah she will permit youAm I allowed to disobey my parents in a certain islamic way?
Whats wrong with helping ppl???
Thy Lord hath decreed that ye worship none but Him, and that ye be kind to parents. Whether one or both of them attain old age in thy life, say not to them a word of contempt, nor repel them, but address them in terms of honour. And, out of kindness, lower to them the wing of humility, and say: My Lord! Bestow on them thy Mercy even as they cherished me in childhood. (17:23)Am I allowed to disobey my parents in a certain islamic way?
You know that you should obey your mother then your mother then your mother. Then your father.

If you do not heed your own mother, how will you ever be taught by anyone in this world? Obedience to parents isn't only for when you agree with them.
"She got me off the computer so im using Yahoo by my 3DS. Is this halal [permitted] because its an islamic action?"

I laughed so hard when reading this. The last part mainly - its an "islamic action" - and thus your excuse to disobey your mother. I'm not trying to be condescending but trying to make you realise what your addiction to yahoo has just made you say.

Salaamu alaiykum.
my parents don't even know what yahoo answers is
If you have knowledge then why do you ask questions here?

Anyone who asks Islamic questions here must be ignorant (unless it's rant).
My dad knows I use Y!A but he discourages me big time, few years ago I wasn't allowed though because he doesn't like the idea of me talking to strangers on the net so I didn't come on and I respected his decision, After all your parents want the best for you.
You are your own man you have to do as you think .and if you think it is wrong then smash the computer ~#~###Yes

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