Wednesday, March 7, 2012

My brother tried to stab me what do i do?

Today i went for a swim at my swimming pool, and i left my laptop on (i was loading a video) and so when i came back, my older brother (18 years old has Asperger syndrome) was downloading several games onto my laptop without permission -_-. (the last time that happened my computer was flooded with worms and trojan viruses and i had to get a new laptop with MY money that i saved to get a guitar) so proceeded to calmly tell him to give me my laptop, and he refused. i repetitively told him to give me my laptop and he got angry enough to throw my phone against the wall! (Its broken now RIP PHONE D: (And Whitney Houston) ) So i walked over to him, took my laptop back, and he started throwing and hitting everything around him. he grabbed my books threw them all around, my music awards, his own video games, and then he stormed into the bathroom crying like a child. So he sat on the toilet, banged his face against the sink, until he started to get a nose bleed, and then he WIPED the blood all over the sink and the mirror. i asked him and i quote "Whats wrong with you! Are you crazy?" concerned about his safety, and then he grabbed my electronic tooth brush and threw it at the sliding shower door and now the shower slidey door thing (not really a door more like a curtain thing made out of some kind of glass) is cracked! And my toothbrush won't work anymore! so i gave him a good flick to the head with a comb, and then he grabbed the nearest sharp object (the razor) chased me through the house, pushed me down the stairs, tried to stab me (i rolled and ran for the door, and ran out the house. So i ran to my cousin's house (blocks away, i ran as fast as i could, lost him in an alley) and when i got there i noticed that there was a huge cut on my back :P and now i'm holding on to a knife as protection, and his imaginary friend as a hostage. i can't tell my mom because she's at work and forgot her phone, my dads at seoul working, and my sister is at yon sei college at korea. WHAT DO I DO??? (P.s. i told my aunt and she said mmmhmmm ok and won't do anything.....)My brother tried to stab me what do i do?
Oh my gosh I feel like I just read part of my life, like I'm not even kidding. Only I'm 13(girl) and my brother is ten and he has Aspergers syndrome too. Yes actually it's quite common for my brother to go into the kitchen and take knives and chase me around. And he's also used the tv, the computers, and all of my family's smartphones at the same freakin time. He also bought games on my phone with my money. Oh...sorry for my rant. Anyway I just gather food and water for a couple days and hide. I tell my parents but their all like, oh he has Aspergers so he doesn't get it. Bull. Aren't I right? So just tell your parents if they acutally listen and hide for a couple days. Good luck
He's ******* insane. Lobotomize him :DMy brother tried to stab me what do i do?
Kill his imaginary friend
Call the police or report it before this escalates! be careful!!!My brother tried to stab me what do i do?
Call the local authorities and ask them what to do.
Basically what you do is ...
You call your mother whether she's at work or not.
Say your sorry or get out of the house!
Stab him in his sleep. Its you or him
mmmhhmhhhmhh 13? hehe ;)
call the police, tell them your mentally ill brother assaulted you with a deadly weapon. Family ties don't matter when your life is at stake. You need to think of yourself and your safety first, no matter who it upsets in the family.

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